get in touch

for general enquiries, please select the
general enquiries form below


get in touch

MVV recognises the importance of local people and
knowledge to any new project and aims to develop a two-way
with as wide a range of stakeholders as possible; we
want to understand the issues that are important to you.

You can still submit feedback, using the Consultation form below. Any feedback received after 3rd February 2023 may not be included in the planning application. It will, however, be recorded and considered as part of the next round of consultation.


MVV offer a number of ways for you to contact the team.

As well as the online form below, we have a dedicated email address and Freepost service.


Email -
Post: "Freepost MVV" (no stamp required)
Or fill out the enquiry form below:

*Any personal data received will be stored and protected as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation. No personal details will be used or published in any materials produced in support of the project.

MVV wants to understand the issues that are important to you.

Your contact details

I agree to my data being processed exclusively for the purpose of answering my enquiry. Any personal data submitted to MVV will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Canford EfW CHP Facility


feedback form


MVV invite you to take part in this pre-application public consultation. Whilst this is not required by law, we recognise the importance of local people and their knowledge to any new project and aim to develop a two-way dialogue with as wide a range of stakeholders as possible; we want to understand the issues that are important to you.

It is helpful for us to know who has responded to the consultation and, at the very least, where they are based. You do not need to complete all of the fields below, but we would appreciate knowing your postcode area.

Any personal data received as part of the consultation or as part of the consultation process will be stored and protected as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation. No personal details will be used or published in any materials produced in support of the project.


We are committed to honest, open and effective two-way engagement and welcome your views and feedback.

Our proposals are in their early stages and we are keen to understand your thoughts on the following aspects of the scheme as they evolve:

As we develop the planning application documents, we will carefully consider any potential effects on a range of environmental topics, including:

  • Transport
  • Air quality
  • Noise and vibration
  • Ecology and nature conservation
  • Landscape and visual impact
  • Historic environment
  • Hydrology
  • Geology, hydrogeology and ground conditions
  • Population and health
  • Carbon and greenhouse gases

Please tell us which of these topics are important to you and why.

We are proud to be part of the communities in which we operate. On other projects, we have provided a number of community and environmental benefits; we are keen to understand which benefits would be best suited to your area. Of those listed below, please tick up to five benefits that are most important to you:

Employment of local people

Use of local suppliers

A visitor area for schools and community workshops at the facility

Hosting site visits for schools and local community groups

Support for apprenticeships, internships and work experience

Skills development for staff and the wider community

Support for/working with local community groups

A local liaison group

Biodiversity and ecological enhancement

Waste awareness and education

We would also like to hear about any other ideas, local initiatives, groups or projects that we could engage with. Please use the space provided to tell us about these.

Please use the space provided to tell us about anything else you think we should consider as we develop our proposals.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this feedback form. Your opinion is important to us and we will try to take this into account, where possible.

We aim to submit our planning application to Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council in Spring 2023. Once the application has been submitted, there will be a further opportunity for you to have your say on the proposals.

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I agree to my data being processed for the purpose of informing the Canford Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project consultation.

Any personal data received as part of the consultation or as part of the consultation process will be stored and protected as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation. No personal details will be used or published in any materials produced in support of the project.

Click here to see more information on data protection

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